👻CHILI Cook-Off 🥣


👻CHILI Cook-Off 🥣 〰️

It seemed like a good idea, but for whatever reason, whether lack of interest or competing events we could not even meet the minimum attendance numbers or gather enough competitors.

We still love the idea and all of ITS potential, so maybe next year

Join us for our

1st Chili Cook-Off


Raffles, Giveaways, Games and Chili, of course 😋

Say the magic words…

Eenie meenie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak!

To All Chili Gladiators!

Take heed and read the rules before entering.

Contestants click ENTRY FEE to Pay ☝

Then Register below 👇

Chili today and hot tamale!

Whichever way you like your chili, you won’t be disappointed at this family-friendly competition. The right ingredients make all the difference 🤠

CONTESTANTS: Sign up below, pay above

Spooky Chili !?!?

Why not! Whatever blows up your sheet. This is going to be fun! Wear your costumes and get ready for a great time! Plan on attending, bring the kids and let’s have some FUN!


Use ADMISSION button and registration below 👇

Attendees click ADMISSION to pay👆


PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM TO REGISTER FOR THE EVENT - completely fill appropriate areas


1.    Traditional Pepper Chili is defined as any kind of meat or combination of meats, cooked with chili peppers, spices and other ingredients, with the exception of pasta, which is strictly forbidden.  Beans may be used in competition chili.  Competition chili must be made with one or a combination of beef, pork or turkey meat only (no venison).  Toppings of cheese, onion, cilantro, or others may be added for presentation.   

2.    The entry fee will be $25.00 per chili entered. Contestants may enter more than one batch of chili, and may enter as a team or individually.  Clever team names and chili names are encouraged.  As are costumes, for the bold.  Each Chili Competitor entry fee entitles one person to attend the event, but not the entire team—the remaining team members must pay the normal event entry fee. Register online at

3.    All ingredients must be pre-cooked and prepared prior to the event.  The chili is to be brought "ready-to-eat" and will be kept warm upon arrival.

4.    Regular commercial chili powder is permissible, complete commercial chili mixes are allowed, but original mixes, blends are preferred.  Thickeners such as corn meal, flour etc., are permissible.

5.    All cooking is to be done in a sanitary manner.  Suspicion of failure to comply will lead to disqualification for that team.

6.    Each individual or team is responsible for cooking no less than two quarts of chili and turning in up to one pint of chili for judging. Judging bowls will be supplied.

7.    Each chili entered will be assigned a number by the judging committee, and each contestant is responsible for turning in his or her chili with that number by 2:45 p.m.

8.    Judges will vote for the chili they like best based on the following major considerations: (a) Presentation and Color: The chili should look appetizing; (b) Smell/Aroma: The chili should smell good (this also indicates what is in store when tasted); (c) Texture: The chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat (it should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy); (d) Flavor: Taste, above all else is the most important factor (the taste should consist of the combination of the meat, spices, etc. with no particular ingredient being too dominant). Overall Impression: Does the whole package seem appealing?

9.    Each participant's chili will be distributed to the event guests, but only after an individual or team has submitted their chili to the judges.  MDFPA will provide bowls, spoons and napkins to the teams for distributing the chili to the event guests. 

10.  The Best Chili Award will be determined by the Judging Committee.  The People's Choice Award is determined by the public. A 3rd Place Honorable Mention trophy will also be presented and decided upon by those in attendance. The public will be entitled to taste each participant's chili.  It is up to each participant to entice the event guests to try their chili and cast their vote. The more chili a participant has and the more people who try that chili, the more votes that participant may get. The decisions of the judging committee are final.

11.  First Prize: $200.00, Trophy, public announcement at the event, email distribution to all of MDFPA membership regarding award, other public accolades and bragging rights.  People's Choice Award: $50.00, a Trophy, public announcement at the event, email announcement to all of the MDFPA membership, other public accolades and bragging rights.  A 3rd Place Honorable Mention trophy will also be presented and decided upon by those in attendance. Winning individuals or teams will be asked at the event to give a brief description of their chili recipe (secret ingredients should remain secret though, of course).

12.  All contestants must provide their own heating apparatus, such as a hot plate, crockpot.  MDFPA will provide the staging area and extension cords.

The competition is open to men and women 18+ (entering as individuals or teams), restaurants, companies or organizations of any kind, whether MDFPA members or not.  Professional chefs and restaurants as well as amateurs are allowed and encouraged to compete.   MDFPA reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition to any individual and/or team at the discretion of the event committee chairperson.  All teams or individuals must provide a valid email address when registering for the competition.  Communication to the registered email address shall constitute notice delivered regarding competition matters.

Sarah Wilson